Ukraine says ship with wheat for Ethiopia arrives, part of anti-famine push


The first of what president zelensky said would be around 60 ships by the end of next year carring tons (literal tons) of wheat landed in ethiopia port. this shipment comes as first somalias suffered a famine due to drought cause by climate change killing animals and crops while embroiled in a civil war and ukraine has been invaded causing them to no be able to export wheat and grain  their main exports and where many countries especially arab one get most of theirs. Ukraine and the U.N. were able to launch a deal to export 150 million dollars of grain from  Ukraine which brings with it a hope that countries like Somalia will be able to pass through this famine and as Ukrainian president Zelensky said “We ship food. We ship hope,”.

This all comes as I previously stated as Ukraine has not been able to export their grain or fertilizer which they supply many countries with. The effects of this is especially notable in places like Somalia which was already undergoing a bad famine that left many dead or malnourished. Arab countries actually held a summit to address these issues where they announced a deal with Russia to allow Ukraine to export some grain though I’m not sure if this is the same deal. In the long run this will be beneficial obviously for somalia due to the fact that they don’t have to starve but it’s also good for ukraine because firstly they get to export grain and get paid which can help fund war efforts but also because it puts ukraine in an even more positive light. They really are shipping hope to these countries. managing a famine can be the difference between being elected or being killed in a coup so Ukraine is also going to probably gain even more allies with this as it’s a positive for everyone involved.

This doesn’t relate to a specific class discussion as in we are tested on specifically but it does relate to a conversation the class had about Ukraine and its trade. We talked about how we focused a lot on the domestic consequences of the war with infrastructure damage and the economic issue for both Ukraine and Russia but how a lot of the other consequences are lost in monotony. things like the fact that trade is still a thing and that people eat food. Ukraine is one of the biggest exporters of grain and to eb invade you obviously aren’t going to be able to export much and this causes a butterfly effect. People starve, caches are depleted, crops arent grown, people die, people revolt etc. so that’s what this article connects back to in my opinion about the small things and how they are big things on an international scale.

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