Violence in the Mideast, rising threats from Islamic State group in Afghanistan pressure US, allies.


Summary: As tensions in the middle east lead to exploding violence, fueled by Iran, the risk of a homeland attack on America or its European allies rises. The U.S head Central Command states that islamic state group affairs in afghanistan retain the will to strike with the possibility it is in as little as six months. These attacks would be with little to no warning but would take substantially more resources to hit America rather than its European allies. These tensions have stemmed from the middle eastern war currently happening between Israel and Palestine leading to attacks by Iran-backed militant groups in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. This holds potential risks to U.S. bases and troops across the region.

Analysis: This tension from Afghanistan has stemmed from historical relations but has been fueled by the current violence happening in the middle east. With tensions this high and the potential of America pulling out of the middle east there is the possibility of a collapse of powers in the region or a much lower amount of stability in the region than the already low amount. Because of the location of South Asia, this region will see the full effects of the loss of stability or collapse of the region. The relocation of these violent extremist groups to Afghanistan also has the possibility to create instability in the country, more than already suffered with.

Connection to Class: In class we have discussed the importance of alliances but we have also discussed the negative effects. In this the use of alliances as a weapon against the United States poses a security threat and presents the problem of involvement and spending of funds in issues that could not necessarily involve the United States. This has been a subject that has been discussed and debated numerous times over the course and presents that question, should America still be involved and funding NATO. This also shows how a security threat across borders affects neighboring countries as Afghanistan should not be involved in the instability of the middle east but is due to its location, Another subject presented in class.

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