Kenya Political Crisis Deepens (Analysis)

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Kenya’s political crisis continues as the electoral commissioner stated that next week’s election cannot be guaranteed to be fair. Odinga states “All indications are that the election scheduled for 26 October will be worse than the previous one.” The government lifted the ban for protests, and thus stability spiraled further out of control. Death threats sent to the electoral board causes the commissioner to announce resignation. What the future holds for Kenya is not clear, there are no indications that a second election will solve these problems. Undoubtedly, protests will continue if either candidate wins, as each party will claim that the election process was unjust. Personally, I believe that the Kenyatta administration should’ve taken office rather than hold another election; I think that there still would’ve been protests, but the damage wouldn’t have been drawn out, it would’ve been minimal. In this situation, there is no “right” answer, because any decision that the government would make is still going to cause trouble and damage. We can only wait for October 26th to observe how Kenya will cope with the second election.

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