Analysis: Several dead in Togo protest clashes with police

Over 8 people have already died in the protests in Togo including a 10 year old boy, and over 60 people have been detained. The people are protesting the presidents 50 year family ruling and the want for 2 five year term limits. The government has responded to this by using teargas and by threatening and beating people to get them to stop their protesting. They have even gone as far as going into peoples homes and beating them to deter their protesting. The people have been fighting back and continuing their protesting and have even killed 2 soldiers themselves. I believe it is tragic what is going on in Togo and I hope that they can come to a peaceful solution and get their 2 term limit passed. This will be very hard to do considering the government retaliation to their protests and the protestors need to use violence to try to push their agenda for term limits. A referendum is going to be held in the coming months on a government bill to change the constitution but unfortunately it looks as though it will not be retroactive and possibly keep the president in power until 2030. I hope that international organizations can step in such as the AU and help to correct this problem justly and quickly.

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