An Uncertain Future for Nigeria

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The Boko Haram have been inciting terror and draining hope from Nigeria since 2009. The threat of terrorism in Africa has caused for the United States to pledge $60 million for Anti-terrorism Force in Africa. The Boko Haram are setting back the next generation on education which is sure to felt on a major scale in a few years. With some children being used as human bombs and others in desperate need of education it is not hard to lose hope. This lack of education in Nigeria’s youth only sets the country back on modernizing and having a bright future. Who is going to lead this country as the current generation dies off? No one will have a strong enough fundamental education to be able to have modern job. Also these children are traumatized from what they have had to endure growing up which is sure to cause problems in their teenage and adult life. These kids have been submitted to the evils of the world and could have potentially become an orphan, seen their friends die, or die themselves. This instability in Africa is sadly nothing new. With the corruption in politics and social tensions between ethnic groups it’s no wonder why Africa is in the state that its in. The Nigerian military says that the end is near as they have increased their campaigns to weaken the Boko Haram. But others say that there is no end in sight because the chance of a complete victory is very slim. Hopefully some stability is brought to Africa and the Nigerian people as they have suffered more than I can imagine.

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