Sudan’s president orders release of all political prisoners

Just recently Sudan’s president Omar Al-Bashir has announced that he will release all political prisoners. The amount of political prisoners is apparently quite large but the official number of prisoners is still unreleased. The announcement is coming after both the U.S and European Embassies in Sudan have pressured the Sudanese government to release the prisoners after allegations that they were being treated inhumanely within the prisons as well as overall unrest in the political environment over in Sudan. Recently during January of this year hundreds of opposition activists and leaders were arrested during protests against the rising food prices over in Sudan. It is quite common in Sudan for the Sudanese authorities to aggressively crack down on the opposition; even to the point of attacking crowds of protesters and arresting them if need be. For the release of the Prisoners now I believe it will be healthy for the overall political atmosphere over in Sudan as well as assisting in the growth of the democratic system over there.

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