Analysis on “Ousted Sudanese President al-Bashir Moved to Prison”

Sudan is one of the many countries where the people are calling for their president to step down. On April 11th it finally happened. After nearly 30 years al-Bashir was ousted in response to the protests and riots going on within Sudan. Omar Hassan al-Bashir is currently imprisoned in Khartoum, where he is rumored to be being held in solitary confinement. Several officials that worked closely with the president have also been arrested.

While this is a great step forward in progressing the government towards the needs of the people, there are still many officials and laws that al-Bashir put in place that need to be taken down. I believe that the path to progress has now begun, but there is a lot of work still to be done. The people need to keep fighting on and pushing for the kind of government they want and deserve. I hope that al-Bashir and his associates are convicted and punished accordingly.

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