Nigerian Navy Boosts Gulf of Guinea Patrol With UK, France, Italy

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After 17 years of increased piracy activity in the Gulf of Guinea, piracy rates have dropped to the lowest it’s been recorded. With crimes ranging from piracy to human trafficking to cargo theft, the Gulf of Guinea is one of the most dangerous maritime areas in the world. With Nigeria leading the combate against piracy in the Gulf, to strengthen maritime security, the UK, France, and Italy have used their own navies to aid Nigeria’s navies and in doing so, they all hope to safen the Gulf of Guinea. This partnership not only will strengthen maritime security, it also helps the bilateral and diplomatic relations between the host nation and the nation aiding it. 

Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea has been growing over the last decade, making it one of the most dangerous maritime areas in the world. Cases of pircacy and violence continue to be the focus of the maritime industry in 2021. Even though piracy rates have dropped and Nigeria’s efforts even with the help of external actors, the Gulf of Guinea still remains dangerous. Hopefully with the help of the European countries, piracy and all other crime rates will continue to drop and stay low. At the very least, the efforts exercised by Nigeria and the Italian and French naval forces have aided in strengthened maritime security partnerships and diplomatic/bilateral relationships. Italian naval forces have helped address the issues in the maritime crimes, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. The Royal Navy sails to undertake security patrols and to support its African allies.

All the countries hope that they can create safer waters and also strengthen their relations with one another. The Royal Navy is an example of not only wanting better security but also wanting to strengthen relations with their allies. They haven’t had an operating vessel in the Gulf for over three years, which shows the UK commitment to being engaged in maritime security but shows a want to be more involved in their international efforts as well. They want to show that they are working with their allies to tackle threats and create a safer place. 

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