Liberia Warlords on Trial Around the World For War Crimes

4 individuals were tried for War crimes committed during the Liberian Civil wars. A Liberian Commander named Kunti K., Another Liberian Commander named Gibril Massaquoi, A Russian Illegal Arms Dealer named Viktor Bout, and an Unnamed Man who was allegedly associated with the War Crimes that took place in Liberia. Kunti K’s trial began about a week ago after accusations of War Crimes, he is being tried in France. Viktor Bout was put on trial in 2012 for fueling several wars across the world, including The Liberian Civil Wars, and was set to 25 years in Jail by a US Court. Gibril Massaquoi was tried in Finland in 2021 for accusations of War Crimes, Rape, and Crimes against humanity. The unnamed man was arrested by English police in 2021 and is awaiting Trial.

I was not aware of the Liberian Civil wars or their apparent abundant War Criminals who are still running around in the world avoiding conviction for their crimes. I think it’s good that these individuals are being tried for their crimes. It feels strange though that all of these individuals are being tried outside of Africa, I don’t think its a situation that has to be dealt within Africa but I think its very strange that not even one of them was held in Africa, there is a UN base in Kenya that I would imagine it would make more sense for these trials to be held. I imagine trying them in European countries makes it seem like European countries are trying to help, this improves their own image, in reality European Nations should have offered more help during the wars. Either way it’s good that these people are being tried.

During class we discussed NGOs and IGOs, many of these trials are taking place under the jurisdiction of the UN, which is an IGO. IGOs are defined as “intergovernmental organizations”, the UN is the largest and most influential IGO in the world. It fights for Human rights and stopping Genocide. One of the original 50 countries to be in the UN is Liberia, The UN was a driving force in the ending of the Liberian Civil wars, they reintegrated child soldiers into society, forced cease fires, and disarmed some of the soldiers. In total 15,000 UN Peacekeepers were deployed in Liberia between 1999-2003. The UN is now helping Liberia reform its government.

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