Bolivia court building razed during protest over Morales candidacy


The supreme regional court building in Bolivia was burnt down in protest after Evo Morales, a socialist leader, said he would run a fourth turn. University students mostly made up the crowd due to the government being unjust in allowing him to run a fourth term because if he didn’t it was a “human rights violation”. Evo Morale resigned after being urged to due to audits and arrest warrants on terrorism for trying to incite civil disobedience among farmers. He also tried to get support from his supporters to block food and essential items from getting to citizens. I found it interesting that after he resigned, a conservative was able to come in and re-establish relations with the US and Israel, while also cutting ties with socialist countries like Cuba and venezuela. This is a good shift as there are many countries like Argentina and Cuba who are under socialist rule are turning right like Bolivia. These corrupt socialist governments need to change their ways if they want to be economically stable in the future, since countries like the US won’t deal with them. Having a leader that intentionally starves its citizens to create chaos is absolutely horrible. The bulk of Bolivia’s government is still corrupt because they are still followers of Morale, but if the current president already changed diplomatic relations, then Im confident Bolivia will keep a stable democracy since they have democratic allies that want to support them.

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