Pakistan accuses India of funding disinformation campaign in EU


Pakistan has accused India of funding a defamatory campaign in the European Union (EU).

Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan’s foreign minister, cited a report by the EU Disinfo Lab as evidence.This report revealed a network of fake media outlets that have pushed an agenda supporting India in the EU and UN to discredit their rival, Pakistan. However, within this report there were no direct links to the government of India. 

Qureshi has since requested that the United Nations (UN) and the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) investigate this disinformation. The UNHRC has responded saying the organization would look into these claims. In response, Anurag Srivastava, a spokesperson for India’s foreign ministry, has denied these allegations against India.

This article is important because tensions have long been increasing between Pakistan and India. Since 1947, when the two became free nations, they have fought in three wars. They also are still engaged in the ever present Kashmir dispute. These are significant concerns to the global community as both countries have nuclear weapons. That is a huge reason this disinformation claim from Pakistan is concerning as even the smallest tensions could escalate into a nuclear war. 

Through a liberal perspective, a full scale nuclear war may be avoidable through the development of international institutions that facilitate cooperation. The EU and UN are trying to fulfill this role to an extent, but these international governmental organizations are not in control of the actions of these countries. Both of these IGOs likely intend to de-escalate the situation, as diplomacy is a better option than nuclear warfare. 

Constructivists may say that disagreements are to be partially expected. Pakistan and India both have distinctly different norms, values, identities, and cultures. One big difference is their dominant religion; Pakistan mostly practices Islam and India mostly practices Hinduism. The hope is one day common ground can be found and nuclear warfare will be avoided.

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