Pakistan’s Special Assistant to the Prime Minister calls for Saudi Arabia to welcome over 1 million Pakistani’s annually for Saudi Vision 2030

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Jawad Sohrab Malik, Pakistan’s Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, met with Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki, the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia. The SAPM held this meeting to discuss expanding employment opportunities as part of Saudi Vision 2030, A Saudi government program launched to increase diversification. Sohrab Malik highlighted that around 5 million Pakistanis travel to Saudi Arabia annually already and that this number has the potential to drastically increase. Malik expanded on this by mentioning that Pakistan is placing efforts on preparing a skilled labor force by tapping into its youth population. This emphasis on the labor force is intended to help fuel Pakistan’s ability to send over 1 million individuals over to Saudi Arabia annually in order to fill job openings created by Saudi Vision 2030.

Pakistan’s efforts are displaying its desire to partner with Saudi Arabia and achieve benefits through providing laborers. The two countries already have economic ties and Pakistan is expressing a willingness to continue helping Saudi Arabia fulfill its visions. This connection displays a significant relationship, especially economically. The two countries are attempting to use their partnership to help bolster both economies. A potentially lasting impact of the increased amount of potential workers being sent over is a more prosperous Saudi Arabia economy and more security for Pakistan. This event was largely caused in part by Pakistan receiving benefits from its connection to Saudi Arabia and Saudi Vision 2030 being a focal point of the Saudi government.

The global battle for economic prosperity has led Saudi Arabia to put Saudi Vision 2030 in place, thus requiring more workers. This has then led to Pakistan’s request to provide more individuals. Looking regionally, the rest of the Middle East’s disorganized state has the potential to fuel Saudi Arabia to feel a sense of urgency to capitalize on a hole in power. Saudi’s ‘Saudi Vision 2030’ is an opportunity for them to extend their power far past its neighboring countries. Domestically, Pakistan is looking to find security and may receive that as a result of helping boost the Saudi economy. Malik’s honor of the Saudi officials also plays a role into how keen he is to send over individuals.

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