Madagascar on brink of first climate-induced famine, UN warns

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Madagascar is currently in a 4 year drought. The madagascan people have been forced to eat locusts, wild leaves, mud, and cactus fruits just to survive. Citizens have been forced to sell of their land and move away in hopes of finding a new job. The pandemic has called a stop to its tourism industry, which leaves very little to no open jobs. 30,000 people have been pushed to level 5 famine. The country only produces 0.01 percent of the worlds annual carbon emissions, but its citizens are suffering most of the effects.

The effects of climate change are terrorizing the citizens of Madagascar. Experts have predicted this for years. While the UN is rushing in to try and control the situation in Madagascar, The root cause of this problem stays. The countries and companies at fault for most of the carbon emissions are going to keep doing what they are doing until someone forces them to stop. Madagascar will never return to its old state. There wont be any farming in Madagascar at the level it used to be at. The top carbon emitting companies have killed alot of madagascans. The long lasting effects of this will continue to threaten Madagascar for the foreseeable future

This has everything to do with international relations. Other countries need to hold themselves as well as other major countries accountable for what they put out in the enviornment. Through cooperations and ethics powerful countries should cooperate with other countries in different regions of the world to keep our planet safe because climate change will threaten everyone on this planet. Regardless how powerful they are. The world needs new organizations with commitments to uphold eachother to becoming carbon neutral. Without this, the rest of the world will eventually look like Madagascar.

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