U.S. alarmed by potential deployment of Russia-backed group in Mali -State Department

Article Link: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-alarmed-by-potential-deployment-russia-backed-group-mali-state-department-2021-12-15/

The Wagner Group from Russia has had a sudden interest in operating in Mali. The Wagner Group is allegedly not affiliated with the Russian government, but Putin has never condemned the group. Instead, Putin has stated that he will not interfere with the group as long as they do not break any Russian laws. The Wagner Group has a bad past and is known to “destabilize human rights abuses.” If these actions were taken by the Wagner Group, Mali would only become weaker and less stable. The U.S. is also aware of the situation, but it is unknown what their action will be.

It is saddening to see a world power take advantage of a smaller country, Mali. I don’t understand what Russia would gain from this. Clearly, Putin is not bothered by the Wagner Group and also seems fine with hurting Mali, or Putin would have interfered. I look for stronger countries, including the U.S. to take matters into their own hands. I believe it will take be a collective effort from numerous countries to intervene. As the European Union also has been alerted about the situation. Mali will simply not be able to compete with the Wagner Group.

Africa is currently a shatterbelt, composed of the weakest countries. Africa has attracted plenty of attention from other countries as most look to help them. As China is a major power, they already have left a mark in northern Africa. Now, Russia, another major power looks to exploit Mali in Sub-Saharan Africa. I would not be surprised to see some of the major powers (Russia and China) continue to bully Africa. Even though Africa is in a shatterbelt era, does not mean that they are up for grabs. They are still a functioning continent with plenty to bring to the table.

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